While practicing my violin solo piece for my music inquiry project I realized that there was a third page to my piece that I would have to practice as well. To help practice the added material I have been playing the music from the end to the beginning.
I play a phrase (around 8 bars) to the end twice, then once I am confident in that phrase I add the next 8 measures and play it to the end again. I continue playing like this until I’ve reached the top of the page. I then repeat the same practice, but for the previous page. This method works really well for me as I find that when I play from the beginning I often only become proficient at the theme of the piece and the middle of the song is overlooked.
Practicing my scales and arpeggios (G harmonic minor and A harmonic minor) is still not very fun, but I am making good progress to where I think I can play them with 80% accuracy. I am finding the harmonic minor scales easier than the major scales funny enough.
Unfortunately I have had some upheaval in my life which has cut into my practice time. In spite of that I believe I can still play all my pieces, although they won’t be at tempo for the most part.
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